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Owner Occupied Bridge Loans: We help retired California homeowners release the equity in their home before they sell.
Benefits to Homeowners include:
Higher sales price on existing home when you vacate and renovate.
More negotiation power as buyers. No need for financing or "sell existing home" contingencies.
Zero headache from short term rentals (Pets? Cars? Valuables?)
Less hassle with just one move.
Fast loan approval. Quick close.
Abundance Bridge Loan is easy to qualify:
No problems if you only want the loan for 3 weeks or 3 months (up to a year).
No age or income restrictions.
No income requirements - as long as you plan to sell within one year.
OK if your existing home needs work or if you owe property taxes.
Abundance Bridge Loans help you achieve your goals:
A newer home without deferred maintenance
Money in the bank
RV across America
Home with no stairs
Family and friends nearby

Call us at 510-468-4508 to release the equity in your home and achieve your goals..
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